Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
Gingerbread House Day
While the origins of this fun “holiday” are unknown, Dec. 12 is Gingerbread House Day! Just in time for the holidays, today is the...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
Poinsettia Day: The colorful plant associated with the holiday season
Dec. 12 is not only Gingerbread House Day and National Ding-a-ling-Day, it also celebrates a beautiful plant often associated with the...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
'Hoppy' National Lager Day
Have you heard the latest “buzz?” If you need a little something to get you into the holiday “spirit,” go grab your glass. A very...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
Christmas Card Day
With Christmas right around the corner, now is the time to get those holiday greeting cards written, stamped and mailed. Dec. 9...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
National Christmas Tree Day: Celebrate the Iconic Symbol of Christmas
With Christmas right around the corner, it’s time to celebrate one of the most iconic symbols of the holiday season. It really is...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
National Brownie Day
If you're in the mood for a sweet treat to eat, it's your lucky day! Today is National Brownie Day. While the origins of this annual...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
National Cotton Candy Day
It's National Cotton Candy Day in the U.S.A! Cotton Candy is a favorite melt-in-your mouth sugary treat served up at county fairs, fests,...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
Pearl Harbor Day: Remembering the brave on December 7th
Today marks a pivotal moment in history. It’s a day many Americans and people around the world will never forget. In fact, United States...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
St. Nicholas Day: Celebrate the spirit of giving
While many children look forward to Santa’s visit on Christmas Eve, children across Europe also look forward to Dec. 6 - it's Saint...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
Bathtub Party Day: Grab your rubber duckie and get your scrub-a-dub-dub on
If you're in the mood for a party, you're in luck! Get out the rubber duckie and get ready to scrub-a-dub-dub, folks! Besides the Day of...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
National Cookie Day: The tasty treats Americans love to eat
When it comes to delicious food holidays, Dec. 4 takes the cake! One of the sweetest days of the entire year is here. Move over, Cookie...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
Santa's List Day: Have You Been Naughty or Nice?
OK, boys and girls. Today is the big day! In fact, it's one of the biggest, most important days of the entire year! According to...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
National Green Bean Casserole Day
With Thanksgiving and Black Friday behind us, Christmas is just a few weeks away. The tree and decorations are up and now is the time...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
National Mutt Day: 'Howliday' offers new "leash" on life for pooches without pedi
When it comes to holidays, today has gone to the dogs – literally. It’s Mutt’s Day, also known as National Mutt Day and/or National Mixed...

Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
World AIDS Day
Dec. 1 is World AIDS Day (WAD), also known as World AIDS Awareness Day. WAD was created by the United Nations World Health Organization...