National Pie Day

If your sweet tooth is screaming for a sweet treat to eat, go grab your fork! An annual food holiday that is as popular as, well, apple pie, is here and Americans are in the mood to celebrate. Jan. 23 is National Pie Day (NPD) in the U.S.A which means free and reduced pie.
The annual food holiday, created by the American Pie Council, NPD is one of the most delicious of the entire year for pie lovers. Whether you prefer a decadent slice of cheesecake or prefer a more “healthy” filling of delicious and tasty fruit surrounded by sweet and flaky crust, National Pie Day celebrates pies of all shapes, sizes and flavors.
In honor of the annual event, some restaurants across the nation will be offering free slices and discounted prices on all kinds of delicious pies.... Oh my!
Jan. 23 is also National Handwriting Day, National Reading Day and Measure Your Feet Day!