Random Acts of Kindness Day

Feb. 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day, an annual event which occurs during Random Acts of Kindness Week.
Let’s face it. Most of us are overworked, underpaid and just plain stressed out. Sometimes all it takes is a smile, a kind word or gesture to a friend, a neighbor or a stranger. A simple heartfelt compliment can really brighten someone’s day. And a simple act of kindness doesn’t cost a thing – just a moment out of time. A spontaneous pat on the back or gentle hug can cheer up someone who is having a bad day. After all, we all could use a hug, a compliment or word of encouragement, couldn’t we? And a simple act of kindness not only makes someone else feel better, it will make you feel better, too!
By taking a single moment out of our busy and hectic lives to do something nice for someone else, sets a great example for others and sends a great message to children too.