For Pete's Sake Day

If you happen to be a certain age, chances are pretty good you have heard or even uttered the phrase, "for Pete's sake." One day a year is actually dedicated to that once-common phrase. Feb. 26 is For Pete's Sake Day! This annual "holiday" was created by the folks at Wellcat and is listed on Chase's Calendar of Events.
The phrase was commonly used as a substitute for the more offensive phrase, "for God's sake" or "for Christ's sake" and was said when someone was surprised, annoyed, frustrated or irritated. And in case you are wondering who the heck Pete is, you aren't alone. While some believe Pete may refer to the Apostle Peter, others suggest the phrase evolved from older phrases, "for the love of Mike" or "for pity's sake."
In honor of For Pete's Sake Day, check out a few other common phrases and idioms from the past.