Pet Owner's Independence Day: 'Howliday' reverses roles with Fido & Fluffy

When it comes to holidays, April 18 is all about animals. Besides National Animal Crackers Day, it's also Pet Owner's Independence Day!
Whether you have a fabulous feline, curious canine, bird, lizard or another beloved pet in your household, have you ever wondered what it is they do all day and all night long? While many of us lead busy and hectic lives, life may not be too "ruff" for Fido & Fluffy! If you think your pooch or kitty has it pretty darn easy, today is the "purrfect" day to reverse roles with your four-legged friends! Instead of waking up at the crack of dawn, going to work, running errands, doing homework with the kids and/or tackling those endless household chores, today you get to stay home , lounge around the house, play, groom yourself and/or eat and drink all day long! And if you feel like it, scratch yourself whenever and wherever you want! Sniff your significant other all day long. Heck, you don't even have to clean up after yourself either!
In order for the switcheroo to work, your pets will have to fill in for you. It's only fair since they get free room and board for life, right? Fido & Fluffy will need to go work for you, run all the errands, help the kiddies with their homework and complete all those miserable chores. And if you happen to have a Polly the Parakeet in your home, put her in charge of social media for the day. Polly the Parakeet does all the tweeting!