Read in the Bathtub Day

Whether you've had a long and stressful week or have enjoyed a much-needed vacation away from it all, how does a luxurious bubble bath sound to you right about now? Feb. 9 is Read in the Bathtub Day!
While the origins of this annual holiday are unknown, relaxing in the tub with a great book has to be one of the best combinations around. Like peanut butter and jelly, chips and dip and chocolate and peanut butter, a good long soak with a great read is the perfect combination.
Read in the Bathtub Day provides the perfect excuse to finally turn off those annoying electronic devices (unless it's an e-reader, of course) and turn on the flameless candles. Grab a glass of your favorite bubbly and finally finish or start that book you've been eyeing for an eternity! Don't forget to put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door!
And speaking of holidays, February 9 is also National Toothache Day and National Bagel Day.