Great American Meatout Day

When it comes to holidays, March 20 is a biggy! Not only is it International Earth Day, Extraterrestrial Abductions Day, National Ravioli Day and Proposal Day, March 20 is also the Great American Meatout Day.
This annual "holiday," coordinated by the nonprofit Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM), has become an international event that helps shine the spotlight on the benefits of a compassionate, meat-free diet.
According to the website, nearly 10 billion "land animals" in America are slaughtered for food production every year. 10 billion. While a juicy steak or barbecue chicken may sound delish right about now, it is also important to remember just how those food products ended up on your dinner plate. Many of these animals we eat endure inhumane and cruel treatment.
Here's your chance to explore different menu options. A meat-free diet is not only good for you; it is good for our planet, too. If you agree to go meat-free for one day, you and the other folks who take the pledge will not only help keep 8,000 animals from being killed, you will also help more than 3 million square feet of forest from being destroyed as well.