Ugly Truck Day

If you're the type of person who believes beauty is in the eye of beholder, you’re going to appreciate this “holiday." While the origins of this annual event are unknown, July 20 is Ugly Truck Day.
Pickups, flatbeds, tow trucks or semis, Ugly Truck Day celebrates those beloved old beaters in all their magnificent glory. Even though the radio no longer works, the seats are ripped to shreds and the color of the truck is officially described as “rust,” some folks just can’t “part” with that special ride that evokes all sorts of memories.
Yessir, it’s time to take a stroll down memory lane with a blast from the rusty past. Be proud and say it out loud in that ugly old truck!
How to Celebrate Ugly Truck Day
In honor of Ugly Truck Day, why not crank up Lil' Red, Old Blue or Betty Lou, and take her for a spin – if she’ll start.
And if you notice an old truck out on the road today, why not show it some love with a great big wave or a couple of friendly honks – if the horn still works, that is.
Why not take a shot of that ugly truck and use the photo as your Facebook profile picture? The rustier, dirtier and uglier the better!
Yessir, it’s time to take a stroll down memory lane with a blast from the rusty past. Be proud and say it out loud in that ugly old truck!
July 20 is also National Lollipop Day and National Fortune Cookie Day!