Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution Day

Besides ringing in the New Year with a glass or two of your favorite bubbly with friends and family, part of the New Year tradition for many folks includes making resolutions. Whether you are determined to finally quit smoking, manage those overwhelming finances, exercise on a regular basis and/or finally fit into those skinny jeans that have been hanging in your closet for eons, resolutions provide incentives to let go of old habits and look forward to a newer and better you. That is, if we can keep them!
Jan. 12 is Stick to Your New Year's Resolution Day, an annual "holiday" that gently reminds us to stick to those resolutions, whatever they may be. While you may have gotten a bit off track, today is the perfect day to start back up again and stick to those resolutions.
According to, popular New Year's resolutions include:
Drink Less Alcohol
Eat Healthy Food
Get a Better Education
Get a Better Job
Get Fit
Lose Weight
Manage Debt
Manage Stress
Quit Smoking
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
Save Money
Take a Trip
Volunteer to Help Others
Today is also International Kiss a Ginger Day and Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day. Just sayin'!