Happy Curmudgeons Day: Best grumpy old men movies

Whether you work with one, live next door to one or happen to live with one, we all know one. January 29 is dedicated to all the Ebenezer Scrooges, Oscar the Grouches and the Grinches of the world. It's Curmudgeons Day, an annual event that actually celebrates the birthday of the legendary William Claude Dukenfield, also known as W.C. Fields. The famous actor and writer frequently portrayed a grumpy old man in his films.
According to Merriam-Webster, a curmudgeon is defined as a miser, a "crusty, ill-tempered and usually old man." And with the winter blues setting in, today is as good a day as any to celebrate those crotchety grumps we all know and, well, love.
In honor of Curmudgeons Day, why not gather up the family and enjoy a few family-friendly flicks guaranteed to put a smile on the sourest sour-puss?
Best Grumpy Old Men Movies
"On Golden Pond" is a must-see movie starring Henry and Jane Fonda, Katherine Hepburn and Dabney Coleman. This 1981 film won a slew of Academy awards.
Not one but two old grumps star in the 1993 film, "Grumpy Old Men."
Walter Matthau is perfect in another grumpy performance in the 1993 film, "Dennis the Menace."
Clint Eastwood portrays the perfect curmudgeon in the 2008 film, "Gran Torino."
Billy Crystal and Daniel Stern head out on the range in the 1991 film, "City Slickers." But it's Jack Palance who steals the show!
It doesn't take too much imagination to see Jack Nicholson play an old grouch in the 1997 movie, "As Good as It Gets."
Even though the holiday season is officially over, "A Christmas Carol" is always fun to watch.
Based on the popular Dr. Seuss book, the 2000 film, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," stars the delightful Jim Carrey and is directed by Ron Howard.
Watch one of W.C. Fields' films including "It's a Gift," "You Can't Cheat an Honest Man" or his 1940 film, "The Bank Dick. "
January 29 is also National Puzzle Day and National Corn Chip Day! Enjoy!