National Corn Chip Day

Have you heard the latest “scoop?” While yesterday was all about blueberry pancakes, today is all about chips. Corn chips, that is. Jan. 29 is National Corn Chip Day, not to be confused with National Tortilla Chip Day which is observed next month.
These salty and crunchy treats have been gobbled up en masse since they were first “invented” by the folks at Fritos back in the day. According to the company website, C.E. “Elmer” Doolin was frustrated tortillas just didn’t stay fresh long enough at his store. But one day in 1932, he met a man who was selling fried corn chips. After he pawned his mama’s wedding ring, he paid the man $100 for his recipe – which was a heckuva lot of loot back in those days. The family experimented with the recipe until they came up with the perfect concoction, began selling his crisps from his Model T Ford, and the rest, as they say, is history. The American corn chip snack was born.
While the origins of this food holiday are unknown, today is the perfect excuse to experiment with a new recipe. And with the big Super Bowl game right around the corner, why not try a few corn chip recipes on for size before the big party.