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  • Writer's pictureJace Shoemaker-Galloway

Happy Baby Day, Baby! 20 Special Quotes & Sayings About Babies and Children

When it comes to holidays, May 2 is all about family. Not only is it Brothers and Sisters Day, it's also Baby Day! While the origins of this annual event are unknown, Baby Day celebrates infants of all shapes and sizes. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, godparent, sibling or distant relative, today is the perfect opportunity to celebrate, oooh and ahh over the little ones in your life.

From the moment they are born, children bring so very much to our lives. Cherish those special moments because before you know it, they will be living life on their own. And you, too, will wonder how that precious baby grew up so fast and is now an adult.

Baby Quotes & Sayings

  • God danced on the day you were born. ~ Unknown

  • A baby is a little bit of heaven on earth. ~ Unknown

  • A baby fills a hole in your heart that you never knew was there. ~ Unknown

  • A baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it. ~ Frank A. Clark

  • There's really nothing quite so sweet as tiny little baby feet. ~ Unknown

  • Babies make your heart bigger! ~ Brienne Kearney

  • Babies are such a nice way to start people. ~ Don Herold

  • So this is love. ~ Mack David, Al Hoffman, Jerry Livingston

  • A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on. ~ Carl Sanburg

  • Adoption means you grew in your mommy's heart instead of her tummy. ~ Unknown

  • His little hands stole my heart.... and his little feet ran away with it. ~ Unknown

  • Sometimes when I open my mouth, my mother comes out! ~ Unknown

  • Diaper backwards spells repaid. ~ Marshall McLuhan

  • A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best but his mother the longest. ~ Irish Proverb

  • Raising kids is part joy and part guerilla warfare. ~ Ed Asner

  • A man is not complete until he has seen the baby he has made. ~ Sammy Davis, Jr.

  • I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it. ~ Harry S. Truman

  • People who say they sleep like babies usually don't have them. ~ Leo J. Burke

  • The worst feature of a baby is its mother's singing. ~ Kin Hubbard

  • The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he is a baby! ~ Natalie Wood

Today is also Brothers and Sisters Day.


Brainy Quote. Baby Quotes DisneyBaby. 10 of the Most Adorable Touching Baby Quotes Scrapbook. Baby Quotes.

   Happy Holidailys  

Every Day of the Year Really Is a Holiday

         Jace Shoemaker-Galloway, Queen of Holidays


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