Blackout Wednesday 'buzz': Holiday cheer party night sobering reminder

With the big holiday season right around the corner, many people across the nation will be celebrating with friends, loved ones and co-workers. Family feasts, office parties and holiday gatherings are often a big part of the occasion. While many Americans are getting ready for the big Black Friday shopping event, another "black" holiday is also getting quite a bit of "buzz."
Thanksgiving Eve is known as Black Wednesday (or Blackout Wednesday), one of the biggest bar nights and drinking events of the year. In some communities, Blackout Wednesday is even bigger than New Year's Eve! Some bars and pubs will be servin' up drink specials, contests and/or other special deals in honor of the event.
For many college students, heading home for the holidays is also a great time to catch-up with old friends, kick back and relax. Because many people have a few days off from work or from school, some folks may enjoy a little too much holiday "spirit." Drinking alcohol in excess can result in bad behavior, horrible hangovers, memory "black outs" and worse.
Sobering Stats
With more Americans on the road during the long holiday weekend, getting behind the wheel after a few drinks can be deadly. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offers some "sobering" statistics when it comes to drinking while driving. Thanksgiving was the deadliest holiday for fatal car accidents in 2010 and during the holiday season, 40 percent of traffic fatalities involved an alcohol-impaired driver.
If you or someone you know will be celebrating Blackout Wednesday, please plan ahead. Arrange a designated driver and let loved ones know where you will be. While enjoying a bit of holiday cheer is fine for most folks, moderation is key!