Carve a Pumpkin Day: Free pumpkin stencils & patterns for your Jack O' Lanterns

When it comes to special occasions, one of the most highly anticipated and beloved holidays of the entire year is here. Not only is Oct. 31 National Caramel Apple Day and National Knock Knock Jokes Day, it’s Halloween! And while ghouls, ghosts and goblins prepare for trick-or-treat time , today also celebrates a beloved Halloween tradition. It’s Carve a Pumpkin Day in the U.S.A!
need to be a talented artist in order to create that cute or creepy jack-o-lantern. And you don’t need to spend an arm-and-a-leg on expensive stencils or pumpkin patterns, either. Just pick out the perfect pumpkin, grab some pins, tape, a large spoon, some newspaper, cutting tools or paint and you are good to go.
Watch the characters come to life with the assortment of free pumpkin carving and painting templates listed below. Young children require parental supervision when carving pumpkins.Happy Halloween!
Free Pumpkin Stencils & Templates
Disney Family - The site offers many popular Disney character patterns children will know and love. From Snow White, Mary Poppins, Olaf and Winnie the Pooh to the vile Cruella De Vil and Wicked Queen, simple step-by-step instructions are provided. The kids are sure to get a great big kick out of these fun and free Halloween pumpkin carving templates by the creative folks at Disney.
DLTK Holidays - This website offers step-by-step directions for pumpkin decorating. More than 30 templates are available on DLTK-Holidays. Some are basic patterns while others are more elaborate. From charismatic characters including Sponge Bob, Smurf and Thomas the Tank Engine to the scary R.I.P and Skull, creating that perfect pumpkin has never been easier.
Pumpkin Glow - Looking for something unique and totally different this year to spruce up that Halloween decor? Pumpkin Glow may be just the ticket. The “Un-Halloween” categories include Famous People, American Heroes, Comedians, Animals, Musicians and Medieval. Some of the famous people templates include Ron Paul, Elvis, Steve Jobs, Hillary Duff and Martha Stewart.