Children's Picture Book Day

Besides Hot Tub Day, Respect Your Cat Day, Weed Appreciation Day and Something on a Stick Day, March 28 is also Children’s Picture Book Day! While the origins of this annual "holiday" are unknown, today celebrates picture books of all shapes, sizes and genres.
Many of us have fond memories of our own favorite picture book or the ones our children loved most. From Dr. Seuss and classic fairy tales, to books about curious monkeys, trains' engines that can, famous bulls, llamas, elephants, magic dragons and even a big red dog, picture books capture and catapult children's imaginations to the world beyond.
Picture books are usually the first books children “read.” Many exude creativity or humor in pictures and often include an important message for little ones. These beautifully illustrated books can also help children begin their life-long love of reading.
On a personal note, be sure to check out MY picture books, "The Misadventures of Chair Head Boy" and "Bud E. Bunny & The Tooth Fairy" - available on Amazon.
In honor of Children's Picture Book Day, why not take a trip down memory lane and read one or two of your favorite picture books for old-times'-sake? Sometimes, a picture really is worth 1,000 words