Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day: Let’s talk trash

When it comes to holidays, November 15 is all about getting trashy. Not only is it America Recycles Day, but it’s also Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day.
While many of us take the time to clean out those over-crowded closets and drawers, tackling the refrigerator doesn’t rank high on the to-do list. When is the last time you took a good, long look at what is lurking in your fridge?
Whether you start with the freezer or the refrigerator, now is the time to put on the hazmat suit and clean out that fridge, especially with the busy holiday season right around the corner. Not only do you want your fridge to be nice and clean, but you want to make room for those delicious holiday leftovers, right? Keep in mind chances are pretty good you’ll feel a huge sense of accomplishment (and relief) once it’s done. And while you’re at it, don’t forget the office fridge.