Eat Beans Day

Green one, white ones, black ones or red ones, July 3 is dedicated to legumes. It’s Eat Beans Day! While your kids are probably still recovering from National Eat Your Vegetables Day, Eat Beans Day celebrates beans of all sizes, shapes and colors.
Spilling the Beans on Beans
While the origins of this annual food holiday are unknown, folks have been eating beans for centuries. High in protein and complex carbohydrates, beans are full of fiber, iron, potassium and calcium and are fat-free. Beans help reduce cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of certain types of cancers and stroke. Plus, they are cheap! While beans are good for you, they are also blamed for a stinky side effect – flatulence. Like the old saying goes, while beans are indeed good for your heart, they also make you fart.
In honor of Eat Beans Day, why not whip up one or two delicious bean-inspired recipes? Just have the Beano on hand, just in case. Today is also National Compliment Your Mirror Day!