Everything You Think is Wrong Day: Right is wrong and wrong is right, right?

If you are considering a life-changing move right about now, today may not be the best day to make that important decision. Besides the Ides of March, March 15 is Everything You Think is Wrong Day! An annual "holiday" where right is wrong and wrong is right! Right?
Do you ever have one of those days where everything goes wrong from the second you get out of bed? It's almost like a human domino effect. The alarm clock doesn't go off, the kids refuse to cooperate, the cupboards are bare and the tank's on empty. Again. You are late for work, the boss is in a foul mood and everything is all downhill from there. Yessir, some days we may just be better off pulling the covers over our heads and spending the entire day in bed!
If this scenario sounds all too familiar, no worries! There is light at the end of that dark tunnel. March 16 is Everything You Do is Right Day! Right!