Ex-Spouse Day: Celebrate the Ex In Your Life!

When it comes to special occasions, one day in April is dedicated to past relationships. April 14 is Ex-Spouse Day. This annual "holiday" was created in 1987 by Rev. Ronald Coleman.
With the divorce rate hovering around 50 percent for first marriages, divorce is often a painful and traumatic experience. But the current relationship with an ex does not have to be a negative one. After all, you loved and cared about this person once, right?
While some people scoff at the idea of celebrating a “failed” marriage, some ex-spouses continue to play an integral role in each others lives. Ex-Spouse Day is the perfect opportunity to finally let go of all that hurt and anger and forgive the ex once and for all. If you share children, everyone benefits when parents can work together and get along.
Today is also National Dolphin Day and International Moment of Laughter Day.