Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day: Feast Your Eyes on the World's Sexiest Guys

OK, ladies. Get ready to feast your eyes on the world's sexiest guys! Whether you are a people watcher or someone who appreciates a nice view, go grab your binoculars! Get ready to treat yourself, girls! Jan. 12 is Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day!
On the heels of National Man Watcher's Day, this annual "holiday" is the perfect day to practice those hootin', hollerin' and whistling skills. While the origins are unknown, who really needs a reason to appreciate super sexy men with a little 'tude?
In honor of Feast of Fabulous Wild Men, get ready to feast your eyes on some of the world's sexiest guys! And feel free to look at long as you like!
World's Sexiest Celebrity Guys
Adam Levine
Ashton Kutcher
Ben Afleck
Blake Shelton
Brad Pitt
Bradley Cooper
Bruno Mars
Channing Tatum
Chris Daughtry
Chris Hemsworth
Christiano Ronaldo
Collin Farrell
Craig Ferguson
Daniel Craig
David Beckham
George Clooney
Gerard Butler
Hugh Jackman
Jake Gyllenhaal
James Franco
Joe Manganiello
Johnny Depp
Jon Bon Jovi
Jon Hamm
Josh Duhamel
Josh Holloway
Justin Timberlake
Keith Urban
Lenny Kravitz
Leonardo DiCaprio
Liam Hemsworth
Mario Lopez
Matt Damon
Matthew McConaughey
Michael Buble
Patrick Dempsey
Prince Harry
Prince William
Ricky Martin
Robert Downey, Jr.
Robert Pattinson
Robert Redford
Ryan Gosling
Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Seacrest
Tom Hardy
Tyson Beckford
Zac Efron
Enjoy! Jan. 12 is also Stick To Your New Year's Resolution Day and International Kiss a Ginger Day.
Glamour Magazine UK. Sexiest Hottest Men of 2013
Mixed Nation. 25 Hottest Mixed Male Celebrities