Fragrance Day: The nose knows just how sweet it is - or not

While the smell of spring is in the air, there is something else in the air today. So go ahead – take a good, long whiff and sniff - it's (National) Fragrance Day! While the origins of this sweet-smelling day are unknown, Fragrance Day is an annual “holiday” celebrated every year on March 21, one day after Proposal Day.
There are good ones and bad ones and there are some in between. There are some that make you hungry and some that make you scream. The sense of smell is a delicate and complex one. Smell is the most powerful of all the senses. Whether it is used for mate selection, avoiding predators, finding and selecting food, romance and sexual function or enjoying lovely and not-so-lovely aromas, many creatures rely on their sense of smell for survival.
For many women, their particular fragrance of choice defines them – it is part of who they are. Whether you prefer yours in a lovely collectible bottle, in a candle, plug-in, body wash or lotion, today’s fragrances are available in many different forms and scents. From a lovely floral bouquet, woody fragrance, Gourmand “food flavor” or a fruity scent, your signature scent should suit your personality and mood.
While many won’t leave the house without a spray, mist, squirt or dollop of their favorite fragrance– remember, a little dab will do ya! Some people are sensitive or allergic to certain smells. In fact, certain workplaces require a scent-free environment.
Just for Fun Fragrance Facts
We smell with our brains – not our noses.
Except for identical twins, each human being has a di”stinct” odor or “smellprint.”
Women generally have a keener sense of smell compared to their male-counterparts.
Good aromas make us happy.
Smells can evoke a slew of fond and not-so-fond memories.
A long-forgotten aroma can transport you back to childhood in a whiff. Smell plays a vital role in our quality of life and “sense” of well-being.
Humans can’t smell when asleep.
The sense of smell is stronger in the spring and summer months and after exercise.
Romantically involved couples can smell their partner’s happiness, fear and sexual arousal.
A study conducted by Yale University found that out of 80 of the most common scents, coffee was the most identifiable. Vicks VaporRub, dry cat food, beer, tuna, crayons and cigarette butts also made the Top 20 list.
Can you imagine going through life without being able to smell? Some people suffer from smell disorders, especially as they age. Some folks suffer from a total loss of smell, Anosmia, or a partial loss of smell, Hyposmia.
How to Celebrate Fragrance Day
Right after you wake up, smell the coffee!
Treat yourself to a bottle of new perfume or cologne.
Create your own signature perfume scent!
Bake a batch of your favorite cookies or homemade bread and enjoy the aroma!
While many people enjoy the taste of a good glass of wine, swirl and sniff it before you drink it.
Make your own Scratch-and-Sniff Cards with card stock, glue and various smelly items like spices, herbs or flowers.
Learn 5 Easy Tips to Make Your Signature Scent Last All Day
Chanel No. 5 is the best selling perfume of all time. More than 10 million bottles are sold around the world annually. Have you tried it?
The late Dame Elizabeth Taylor’s award-winning White Diamonds Perfume is the best-selling celebrity perfume.
Start a new routine – At least once a week, pour yourself a glass of wine, put out a few flameless candles and go for a nice, relaxing soak in the tub with your favorite bath salts, bubbles and scents.
If you have a fear of the dentist, a little sniff may help with the pain – sort of.Researchers found that sniffing lavender oil on a tissue for 10 minutes during the visit lowered the memory of the pain.
Visit a nursery or florist.
Before you go to bed, go out and smell the roses!
March 21 is also National Single Parents Day and National Teenagers Day!