Good Samaritan Day

March 13 is a day that celebrates kindness and helping others in need. It's Good Samaritan Day, also referred to as Good Samaritan Involvement Day.
This annual event honors the death of a beautiful 28-year-old woman, Catherine “Kitty” Genovese, who was brutally stabbed to death as bystanders reportedly did nothing.
Good Samaritan Day serves as an important reminder to help others in need. Whether it’s an elderly neighbor who needs a little help or a complete stranger in need, helping someone not only helps them, it sets a good example and makes you feel good too. And don’t forget the neglected and abused four-legged friends that need our help and compassion as well!
In honor of Good Samaritan Day, plan on doing something for another today. Remember, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
March 13 is also Ear Muffs Day and National Jewel Day.