Halloween safety tips: Top trick-or-treat tips for ghouls, goblins & ghosts

The big day is finally here and now is the time to revisit safety tips to keep children of all ages safe. While many children look forward to the annual trick-or-treat tradition, Halloween can be an anxious and worrisome time for parents. Planning ahead is paramount in keeping your children safe this trick-or-treat season. The following tips will help keep your little ghouls, ghosts and goblins safe for another "spooktacular" Halloween.
Halloween Safety Tips
When is Halloween observed in your town? Different cities have various age restrictions for trick-or-treaters. Do porch lights have to be turned on? Know your city's ordinances before you go out.
Older children should travel in groups - make sure children do not travel alone. If older children are trick-or-treating without an adult this year, know their route or neighborhoods they are visiting. Make sure someone in the group carries a charged call phone.
Children should trick-or-treat only in well-lit areas - no alleys or dark side streets. It’s dark outside – look before crossing the street and walk; don't run. Remind children to look both ways before crossing the street. Stay on sidewalks if possible. Bring a flashlight or carry glow-in-the-dark sticks. Flashlights should have new batteries. A trusted adult should always accompany young trick-or-treaters.
Be respectful of homeowners property. Do not walk through yards - use sidewalks if possible. Remind older children vandalism is a crime. Children should never enter a home without parental permission. Do not approach cars without parental permission.
Costumes should be flame-resistant. Warn children to stay away from candles. Walking too closely to lit jack-o'-anterns and luminaries with long, flowing costumes can be hazardous. Revisit "stop-drop-and roll" techniques.
To avoid tripping and falling, costumes should fit properly and not be too long. Facial coverings, hats, wigs and masks should not block vision. Masks and facial coverings should be well-ventilated for easy breathing. Make sure gear (such as swords) do not have sharp edges or pose a tripping hazard. Wear bright clothing and decorate with reflective tape. Wear shoes that are comfortable and that fit properly.
Only trick-or-treat in familiar neighborhoods or at friends and family. Trick-or-treat bags should also be light in color and/or trimmed with reflective tape. All treats should be thoroughly screened by parents before eaten. Also be aware of choking hazards for young children. Remember - some children are allergic to certain food products including nuts.