Happy Have a Bad Day Day: (Un)special day for grumps, grouches & Debbie Downers

With the big holiday shopping season right around the corner, folks around the nation are in the mood for some Christmas cheer and are ready to get into the holiday ‘spirit.’ Well, most people, that is. A very (un)special day of the year is here. Nov. 19 is Have a Bad Day Day. Bah humbug!
Created by Ruth and Thomas Roy at Wellcat, the annual “holiday” was created in an effort to provide a “brief respite” to folks who have to tell their customers to “have a nice day.” Whether you live with one, work with one or happen to be one, Have a Bad Day Day is dedicated to those less than cheery souls who make life a bit more challenging for the rest of us. Yes sir, today is a day even Oscar the Grouch, Ebenezer Scrooge, Mr. Grinch and even Debbie Downer could love!
Whether we like to admit it or not, we all have a rotten day from time-to-time. Despite the fact the holidays are right around the corner, sometimes it is pretty darn difficult to be in a jolly mood all the time. And when you’re having a lousy day, the last thing you want to hear is some cheery soul wishing you a great day!
In honor of Have a Bad Day Day, why not embrace your grumpiness and get your grouch on? Just for fun, why not plan on waking up on the wrong side of the bed, burning your breakfast or be really late to all your appointments? And while you’re at it, pour on the bad attitude because we all know misery loves company, right? And instead of saying “have a good day,” tell everyone to “have a bad day.” But just remember, tomorrow you’ll have to be back to Susie Sunshine!