Happy Hug Your Cat Day: The ‘purrfect howliday’ for cat lovers

Attention cat lovers. Just in case you haven’t done it in a few minutes, now’s the 'purrfect' time to give that furry feline a great big hug – it’s Hug Your Cat Day! This annual event, also referred to as National Hug Your Cat Day, was created by author, television producer and wine educator, Marisa D’Vari, in honor of her precious Persian kitty, Mimi.
According to the founder, National Hug Your Cat Day is a “floating” holiday celebrated on different dates. Depending on the calendar, the date falls sometime in May or early June but it typically observed on June 4. But if you are a fancier of fabulous felines, why not celebrate Hug Your Cat Day every day of the year?
This ‘purrfect’ holiday not only encourages pet parents to give their kitties some extra lovin’, but also shines the spotlight on various kitty causes including adoption.
While millions of Americans are pet parents to millions of kitties, many animal shelters are inundated with cats. Sadly, many never make it out alive. Today serves as an important reminder to adopt one or two of the many available precious pets who are unloved, unwanted, neglected or abused. (Please adopt from the Humane Society or your local animal shelter – not a puppy mill!) You’ll not only save a life, but Fluffy will add so much joy and unconditional love to your life as well.
In honor of Hug Your Cat Day, today’s the day to pamper your kitty cat. Why not give Fluffy an tasty treat, special toy or an extra hit of catnip? Just don’t forget the hug!