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Happy International Moment of Laughter Day: 'Howliday' encourages people to LOL

Writer's picture: Jace Shoemaker-GallowayJace Shoemaker-Galloway

If you need a little laugh right about now, you're in luck! While April 1 is all about pranks, gags and practical jokes,April 14 is all about laughter.

It's International Moment of Laughter Day, an annual "howliday" that encourages folks all over the world to laugh. Professional speaker, author and humorolgist, Izzy Gessel, created the annual event. Whether you snicker, howl, smirk or giggle, we all need to take a moment out of our busy day and just laugh!

The Benefits of Laughter

Besides feeling good, some experts believe laughing is actually good for you! Besides numerous health benefits, laughter also plays a role in relationships. According to Psychology Today, laughter can help "defuse anger and anxiety." It also plays a role in mating. Men tend to like women who laugh. While both males and females laugh, females laugh 126 percent more than men. And laughter really is contagious - just like yawning.

How to Celebrate International Moment of Laughter Day

  • Pick up a few of the silliest funniest movies in town and make it movie night with the family or BFFs.

  • Enjoy a comedy marathon with a few of your favorite television classics like I Love Lucy, The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Carol Burnett Show, All in the Family, Cheers, M*A*S*H, Everybody Loves Raymond, Friends, The Office or Seinfeld.

  • Visit your local comedy club.

  • Stop what you are doing and laugh out loud. No matter where you are, who you are with or who happens to be around - just start laughing! Maybe people will start laughing with you but one thing is for sure - they'll wonder what you are up to!

  • Change your Facebook profile picture to the dorkiest or silliest photo of yourself you can find. Old school pictures are a great place to start!

Today is the perfect time to live a little and laugh a lot! Who knows - maybe laughter really is the best medicine?

April 14 is also Ex-Spouse Day and National Dolphin Day. Just sayin'!


   Happy Holidailys  

Every Day of the Year Really Is a Holiday

         Jace Shoemaker-Galloway, Queen of Holidays


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