National Cheeseball Day

You say cheeesball, others say cheese ball! April 17 is National Cheeseball Day. While the origins of this food holiday are unknown, people have been devouring these delicious snacks for years.
Regardless of how you spell it, there are actually two types of cheese balls. The delightful crunchy, cheesy bite-sized balls of bright orange goodness are airy snacks loved by both children and adults alike. People dip right into the second type of cheese ball. Often made out of softened cheese, this type of cheese ball is usually served at parties and get-togethers as a dip appetizer.
Whether you prefer the crunchy snack or the soft-and-creamy dippin’ variety, why not celebrate this National Cheeseball Day by enjoying some delish cheeseball-inspired dishes? And oh, by the way. Today is also Malbec World Day.