National Go Barefoot Day: Kick off your shoes for a ‘sole’ in need
Whether you stand on your feet all day long, wear those super-stylish but super uncomfortable pricey designer shoes or are sick and tired of tired, aching feet, kick off those shoes and let those tootsies loose! June 1 is National Go Barefoot Day. With the unofficial start of summer and warmer weather “underfoot,” now’s the perfect time to “kick” off this holiday and go bare – foot, that is.
While many of us may relish the thought of going barefoot all day long, National Go Barefoot Day is actually an annual event with a “sole-ful” cause. National Go Barefoot Day was launched by the folks at Soles4Souls in an effort to encourage donations of new and like-new shoes to those less fortunate and victims of natural disasters.
How to Celebrate National Go Barefoot Day
Change your Facebook profile picture to shoes or bare feet.
Clean out the closet and donate those gently used pair of shoes to a charitable organization in your neck-of-the-woods or the Soles4Souls organization.
Host a shoe drive in your classroom, school, office or neighborhood.
Treat yourself to a nice pedicure and put your best foot forward!
Go for a nice long walk on the beach.
Walk on the grass.
On a less serious note, ask your significant other for a nice, long foot massage.
If you have a friend or a loved one who is having a difficult time, stop and reflect what they are going though and take a moment and “walk in their shoes.”
June 1 is also Heimlich Maneuver Day!