National Housewife Day: Celebrating Domestic Divas Across America

Nov. 3 celebrates the millions of women across America who work tirelessly each and every day with little appreciation or monetary compensation. It’s National Housewives Day, also called Housewives Day, Housewife's Day and/or Retro Housewives Day. Regardless of what you call it, this annual “holiday” celebrates the importance and many achievements of stay-at-home women. While the origins are unknown, today celebrates those hardworking domestic divas that have never-ending and thankless jobs.
It wasn’t all that long ago when most gals were stay-at-home women. While the men went to the office every day, it was the woman’s “job” to take care of the home and the children. Lucy Ricardo, Betty Crocker and June Cleaver made it look so easy! But times have changed. Many of today’s women have to work out of the home due to financial necessity or other obligations. And after putting in a full day at “work,” household chores, homework, school activities, paying the bills, buying groceries and making meals must also be done.
Whether you are a woman who works inside or outside the home, the old saying, "a woman's work is never done,” is as true today as it was decades ago. From chef, nurse, maid and seamstress to chauffeur, teacher, gardener and referee, women wear many hats every day. And with the holiday season right around the corner, life is about to become even more hectic.
Do something extra nice for that special "housewife" today. November 3 is also National Sandwich Day!