National Hug Your Hound Day

Although the dog days of summer are almost over, the second Sunday in September is going to the dogs – literally. It’s National Hug Your Hound Day! Canine Behaviorist and author, Ami Moore, founded the annual event.
Who can resist those eyes? Those ears? Whether you share your life with a pit bull, bloodhound, great big Great Dane or tiny chihuahua, today’s “howliday” celebrates those loyal and faithful companions we love so much. This annual dog day serves as a reminder of the importance of keeping our four-legged friends happy, healthy and safe.
National Hug Your Hound Day also shines the spotlight on our four-legged friends that rest their paws in urban areas. While wide open spaces and the wild outdoors may not be available to city-dwelling dogs, you and Fido can still enjoy parks, lakes and other aspects
of urban nature no matter where you reside.
According to the founder of National Hug Your Hound Day, Canine Behaviorist and author Ami Moore:
“We desire to increase the acceptance of dogs, leashed and unleashed, into all of the public spaces of our cities: taxis, restaurants, stores and malls. Our goal is that the physical, mental and emotional health benefits of dog ownership and companionship be available to everyone, everywhere, all the time, just as they are in the great cities of Europe."
With love, guidance, patience and training, well-mannered dogs add so much to our lives. In honor of today’s holiday, give Fido a great big hug and do something extra special just for him or her!
Dogs and cats need our help. With many shelters across America being filled to capacity, please consider opening your heart and home to one of the many pets available for adoption – before it’s too late. September is also Happy Cat Month.