National Mutt Day: 'Howliday' offers new "leash" on life for pooches without pedi

When it comes to holidays, today has gone to the dogs – literally. It’s Mutt’s Day, also known as National Mutt Day and/or National Mixed Breed Dog Day, an annual “howliday” dedicated to those lovable pooches without pedigrees. Created by animal lover Colleen Paige, National Mutt Day is so important, it is celebrated twice a year - on July 31 and on December 2.
While some people prefer purebreds, mutts are a combination of various breeds and are available in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors. Each one is unique and special. Mutts, sometimes called Heinz 57s, make wonderful pets and lifelong companions regardless of their heritage.
Please consider opening your heart and home to an animal in need. And adopt - don't shop!