National Peppermint Patty Day

If your taste buds are screaming for a sweet treat to eat, your in luck! Feb. 11 is National Peppermint Patty Day! Nothing is quite as refreshing as a piece of peppermint patty candy, right? The mixture of melt-in-your-mouth chocolate over a refreshingly cool concoction of peppermint simply explodes in the mouth!
Believe it or not, these sweet treats have been around for years. In 1940, the York Cone Company manufactured the patties in York, Pennsylvania. According to the website, the patties were such a hit, the company's other products were discontinued in order to produce more of the patties.
So go ahead - indulge in a little chocolate decadence today.
Today is also Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day and National Make a Friend Day.