Take a hike: It’s National Take a Hike Day

If you’ve been holding off telling someone in your life to take a hike, this may be your lucky day! November 17 is (National) Take a Hike Day!
Benefits of Hiking
Whether it’s a solo walk in the park, a hike along your favorite trail or leisurely stroll with the family around the neighborhood, this annual “holiday” provides the perfect excuse to head for the great outdoors and get some fresh air. Not only will you see the sights and breathe fresh air, hiking is good for your body and mind, too!
Did you know hiking can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, lower the risk of some forms of cancer, decrease cholesterol levels, reduce depression and stress? Hiking can also help prevent diabetes, improve arthritis and bone health and tone up that body. Plus, hiking is free of charge and almost anyone can do it!
Hiking Safety Tips
While hiking has many benefits, it’s important to dress appropriately for conditions before heading out the door. Check out the trail before you leave. Bring plenty of food and water, sunscreen, first aid kit, GPS or cell phone and a compass. And to be on the safe side, don’t forget to tell friends or loved ones where you will be hiking, your route and what time you plan on returning. Experts suggest if you are 35 or older, have various health issues or have been inactive, be sure to check with your doctor before you take a hike.
In honor of Take a Hike Day, all you need to do is take the first step. Just put one foot in front of the other and you are on your way! November 17 is also Homemade Bread Day and World Peace Day.