This is Jeopardy Day

March 30 commemorates a very important day in television history! On this day back in 1964, one of America's favorite game shows debuted and Americans were hooked! This is Jeopardy Day!
With a little help from his wife, writer/singer/actor/producer Mervyn "Merv" Griffin came up with the idea on a trip. According to an interview with the Associated Press, Griffin said his wife said "5280" which he knew meant how many feet were in a mile. He pitched the idea to the NBC execs and the rest, as they say, is game show history! Jeopardy!was a great big hit!
And just in case you've never seen it, Jeopardy! is a game show, with a bit of a twist. Instead of having to come up with an answer, the host provides the answer from six different categories while three contestants try to be the first one to come up with the correct response, in the form of a question. The winner wins cash and gets to come back as champion on the next show for a chance to win more money.
March 30 is also Pencil Day and The Grass is Always Browner on the Other Side of the Fence Day.